
earth globe

Why Bother With Colorful Language?

Why Bother With Colorful Language? “They’ve made their bed and now they have to sleep in it,” my grandmother would remark in a serious tone to no one in particular while watching the evening news.  I could never quite wrap my head around what she meant.  But now I know. She was speaking in a…
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notebook with the words More with less and a picture of a flower

Why Bother With Less?

Why Bother With Less? I’ve been called a minimalist, which according to Webster, refers to abstract art. It eliminates illusion and embellishment and instead emphasizes simple forms and color. Sometimes I understand that kind of art, sometimes I don’t.  But, since I cannot draw, not even stick figures with clothes on, I don’t think the…
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Terese Luikens' mother

Why Bother When You Can’t Always Get What You Want?

Why Bother When You Can’t Always Get What You Want? It amazes me that I can still remember the important lines to Mick Jagger’s song, You Can’t Always Get What You Want. Maybe it’s because Mick repeated those same words over and over searing them into the brain of young teenagers all over America back…
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open book with a pen

Why Bother to Think for Yourself?

Why Bother to Think for Yourself?      I am ashamed to say that I only know three phone numbers by heart; my husbands, my middle sons and one of my sisters. That is all. The rest of my contacts are stored in my smartphone’s memory and not mine.  When I leave things up to…
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