
man on top o a mountain

Why Bother to Lighten Our Load?

Unlike a pack animal, humans are not made to be beasts of burden and yet, sometimes we act as though we are. Life is hard, but the choices we make can make our lives harder or easier.   Keeping Our Life Light  I used to have a neighbor who was more than a good neighbor,…
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woman at the beach with a hat

Why Bother Selecting?

How we live our lives is based on the selections we make. In turn, these selections shape our lives. The freedom to choose who and what influences our decisions is nothing to take for granted, rather to be considered carefully.    The Consequence of Our Selections By far, the most life changing, transformative and relevant…
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photo of 2 girls with their nose touching

Why Bother Loving Yourself?

When we know how to love ourselves, we will know how to love others.   Be Nice How well do I treat myself? Do I respect myself as well as someone else? It would seem that we would automatically take care and handle ourselves as we would a good friend, but sometimes we are our…
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Woman Sitting on Gray Rock Near Body of Water

Why Bother Being Content While Waiting?

I like the feeling of satisfaction rather than anxiety, peace rather than restlessness and gratitude instead of ingratitude. Yet, those anxious, restless and thankless thoughts and feelings come about without any effort, while satisfaction, peace and gratitude come only when I  consciously practice applying contentment.  I’m Waiting  I’ve waited for a lot of things over…
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