

Why Bother Looking Up?

Why bother looking up? It is easier to look up when the sky is blue rather than when it is gray and raining. As a friend once said to me, “If I look up when it’s raining, all I get is raindrops in my eyes.” November begins the wet season here in North Idaho and…
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Why Bother Remembering Where You Came From?

Why bother remembering where you came from? I never met my great grandmother, Frances. She lived in Idaho while I lived in Nebraska and died when I was seven. I don’t know much of her back story except for what I have read in a booklet one of my great aunts scribed after Frances’s death. …
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Why Bother Having a Best Friend?

Never Settle For A Ripple When You Can Make A Wave Why bother having a best friend? I did not have a best friend growing up. My brother, eighteen months older than me, was the one with whom I had the most fun; rough housing in the living room, racing our bicycles, playing catch and…
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kid with a baseball bat

Why Bother to Recant?

Why Bother to Recant? I grew up watching the Ed Sullivan show on Sunday nights in the living room with my family. The June Taylor Dancers amazed me and when the Beatles made their debut, my dad commented on the length of their long hair.   But something we never watched was sports. I didn’t know…
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