
leisure boat

Why Bother To Consider That You Have What it Takes?

Why Bother To Consider That You Have What it Takes? I am a directionally challenged person. Though I know the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, I am still easily lost while driving in big cities, or jogging through subdivisions. Once, I even lost my way in a desert.  We’d gone…
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a couple with a kid

Why Bother To Consider Your Names?

Why Bother To Consider Your Names? My parents named each of their seven children after a saint. I was named after Saint Therese, “The Little Flower.” But, my mom decided to deviate from the spelling by dropping the h.  This particular spelling confused my elementary school teachers, Catholic nuns,  who were used to the spelling…
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2 people doing construction work

Why Bother Applauding The Patient People in Our Lives?

Why Bother Applauding The Patient People in Our Lives? I am attracted to patient people. Their poise and composure remind me of talented musicians; both having abilities that naturally flow from a stream somewhere deep inside of them. Though I do not possess either musical talent or equanimity, my husband and a few other people…
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kid writing on a piece of paper

Why Bother Thinking About What You Want To Be When You Grow Up?

Why Bother Thinking About What You Want To Be When You Grow Up? While growing up, I didn’t think too much about the future since I liked my present status as a kid.  But in fourth grade, I remember how our teacher asked a question that forced me to think past childhood and into adulthood. …
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