

Why Bother To Let Freedom Ring?

Why Bother To Let Freedom Ring? It is the 4th of July weekend. Tomorrow is Independence Day. It is the official day Americans remember and celebrate how our country came to be the self-governing country that it is. The American Revolutionary War put an end to Britain’s rule over the colonists and America established itself…
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birds nest on top of a pole

Why Bother To Notice Nature?

Why Bother To Notice Nature? Every spring a pair of ospreys return to the old nest, located at the top of a tall pole a block or two from my house. From my kitchen window I can watch them as they work together to add fresh sticks and new seaweed to their worn out home…
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desk with a laptop and paper

Why Bother Being Resilient?

Why Bother With Resilience? I definitely prefer starting and finishing certain tasks while avoiding others. Yet, those projects I dodge, still need completing. So far, those tasks I avoid, never magically get done without me rolling up my sleeves and actually doing them. Yet, I know why I tend to procrastinate when it comes to…
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2 kids

Why Bother Belonging?

Why Bother Belonging?      I do not belong to any associations. I do not pay any dues to be a member of any particular club. I do, however, belong to a writer’s group.  Similarities and Differences      My writer’s group is small, six members total. We meet once a month. Our format, though…
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