
group of people in an old car

Why Bother Reconciling?

Our sin wrecked world has a way of fracturing families. My father’s suicide did great damage to my family, but thankfully, there was an opportunity presented to all of us which led some of us to reconstruct our relationships with each other.      Receptive Just before my dad ended his life, our family was…
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woman at the beach with a hat

Why Bother With Confidence?

I was a timid child and sensitive to the noise and commotion produced in our large household populated by my parents and six siblings. There was always the constant racket of doors slamming, siblings arguing and my baby brother squalling. Consequently, I sought safety from the chaos and cacophony in one of two places; behind…
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This picture goes with my post Why bother taking hopeful actions.

Why Bother Knowing Who We Know?

I graduated from a two year college, then a four year college and then earned my teaching certification. I journeyed through academia in order to reach my goal of becoming an employable citizen, specifically, a public school teacher.  Practical Experience I’d experienced teaching before earning my official certification to teach. I’d homeschooled my sons and…
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Mental Health

Why Bother Investing in Neural Real Estate?

Shortly before we married, my husband and I looked for property to buy. We found an affordable five acre parcel a short way out of town. It was a piece of level ground, surrounded by forest and located off a dusty county road. We agreed that it was just what we wanted and purchased the…
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