
car with the hood open and a man looking inside

Why Bother To Notice When You Are Peeved?

Why Bother to Notice When You are Peeved? Anger is one of those emotions that I easily recognize in myself and in others. Some of the signs include; a red face, foul language, objects hurled through the air, crossing the arms in front of one’s chest, or stomping away. Some even take on the code…
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books stacked

Why Bother Finding Your Clan?

  Why Bother Finding Your Clan? “No man is an Island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the Continent, a part of the main,” wrote John Donne. Even if you think you are a loner, you are not. Everybody needs to belong and be accepted. But finding your clan can feel risky.…
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Why Bother to Rest?

Why Bother to Rest? When I began practicing yoga, more than five years ago, the hardest part of any practice always came at the end of a lesson. When the instructor told us to lie flat on our backs, eyes closed, feet flopping away from each other and to breath slowly, I wanted to roll…
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the finish line of a foot race

Why Bother to Mark the Halfway Point?

Why Bother to Mark the Halfway Point? Depending upon if you are an optimist or a pessimist will determine if you see January as halfway done or with still too many days to go. Since my personality leans toward finding the sunny side of a circumstance, I’m looking at the days behind me and well…
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