
kid riding a bicycle

Why Bother Showing Your Bruises?

Why Bother Showing Your Bruises? When my sons were young, they loved showing off their small, but significant wounds. They’d roll up their pant leg or push up their shirt sleeve and point to the fresh scrape, cut, or bruise. Then they’d  go into great detail telling me how they’d skidded off their bike, jumped…
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bridge over a river

Why Bother Not Burning Bridges?

Why Bother Not Burning Bridges? Bridges are important structures, a means from getting from one side to another. They span a physical obstacle such as a canyon, a lake, or river. Without them, getting across to the other side would prove impossible.  Not All Bridges are Easy to Cross A bridge that is not maintained…
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Why Bother Leaving Well Enough Alone?

Why Bother Leaving Well Enough Alone? When our sons became involved in various extracurricular activities, it was a hard but logical choice for us to move off our five acre parcel in the country and into town. The house we bought was small, but sat on ¾ acres and at the time, was surrounded by…
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tree in the snow

Why Bother Thinking About Roots?

Why Bother Thinking About Roots? Years ago, when I relocated to the Northwest from Nebraska, I had no idea of the number of trees that grew here. The evergreens are as plentiful as fields of corn in Nebraska. Although the Midwest has its own beauty, waves of grain, my eyes never tire from looking at…
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