
feet in the grass

Why Bother Noticing Your Foundation?

Why Bother Noticing Your Foundation? Over the course of  the years that my husband has been in the business of building houses, I have visited his various job sites in their different stages of progress. I think the messiest stage of building a house is its foundation, but it is the most necessary part of…
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playground wth children

Why Bother To Temper Your Desire?

  Why Bother To Temper Your Desires? My teacher’s heart longs for my students to succeed while under my tutelage. Therefore, my instruction and delivery of the curriculum I am responsible for teaching is full of gusto, fervency and sometimes a little too much intensity.                     …
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Why Bother Not Carrying Your Fears?

Why Bother Not Carrying Your Fears? Once again I met with the women who like me, want to hike and backpack this summer. This time, we met at Cass’s house, so she could show us her gear and maybe, weather permitting, watch her set up her campsite. Arriving at her house in the cold rain,…
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Why Bother Thinking About The Other Fifty Percent?

  Why Bother Thinking About The Other Fifty Percent? Recently, while at the grocery store, I was reminded of my earlier days of marriage. As the familiar female clerk, whose age I gauged to be mid thirties, waited for me to write out my check, she conversed with a man who’d come and stood next…
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