
kid writing on a piece of paper

Why Bother Thinking About What You Want To Be When You Grow Up?

Why Bother Thinking About What You Want To Be When You Grow Up? While growing up, I didn’t think too much about the future since I liked my present status as a kid.  But in fourth grade, I remember how our teacher asked a question that forced me to think past childhood and into adulthood. …
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me doing a headstand

Why Bother Accepting Unsolicited Advice?

Why Bother Accepting Unsolicited Advice? Some time ago, I had the idea to train for a triathlon. The event called to my sense of competitiveness, and my need for a good challenge. The race would include swimming one third of a mile in a lake, biking twelve miles and running three. I signed up, trained…
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Why Bother To Stick To Your Resolves in January?

Why Bother To Stick To Your Resolves in January?  According to The American Heritage Dictionary, the name January originates from the ancient Roman god named Janus. In Roman mythology, Janus is depicted as a man with two faces looking in opposite directions; to what is behind him and to what is ahead of him. He…
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Why Bother Being Realistic?

Why Bother Being Realistic? What is something everyone lacks and yet wishes to possess?  I’m just taking a guess here, but as human beings, I think we’d like to possess full knowledge and understanding before making any decision so that we could prevent something “bad” or “wrong” from happening in our lives. I know I’m…
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