
drawing of a cow dancing with a Christmas hat

Why Bother To Encourage?

  Why Bother to Encourage? I’ve noticed that receiving courage from another to keep going in a certain direction comes in a variety of ways. But no matter how it comes, when received the results are the same; an emboldened heart and strong confidence to continue moving on down the track.    When our sons were young,…
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Why Bother Lending An Ear?

Why Bother Lending an Ear? Not everybody likes the holidays. Not everyone thinks “It’s The Most Wonderful Time of The Year.” For some, happiness is not a common theme any time of the year and Thanksgiving marks the beginning of harder times ahead for them.  For some, holidays bring more stress than cheer, grandioso expectations…
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Why Bother Honoring a Mother’s Heart?

Why Bother Honoring A  Mother’s Heart? Though I never thought I’d see myself living past the age of twenty-two, getting married or becoming a mom, my short sightedness proved wrong. I’ve lived way past the age of twenty-two, I’m married and have three sons.  My husband was the first one to mention the idea of…
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woman at the beach with a hat

Why Bother Cutting Ties With Worry?

Why Bother Cutting Ties With Worry? I used to worry when I wasn’t worried. It felt as though I was being negligent or forgetful, that I was guilty of slacking off.   Worry had become a reliable, constant and familiar companion. Even though it was egotistical, thinking it was always right, I let it have its…
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