

Why Bother to Coddiwomple?

Why Bother to Coddiwomple? A friend recently shared a new word with me, coddiwomple. I’d never heard of it, and hearing her say it made me laugh. I looked for it in my dictionaries and couldn’t find it, but I did a little bit of research and discovered that it is most likely an English…
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Why Bother to Notice the Oldest?

Why Bother To Notice The Oldest?  Every family has an oldest sibling. It may be a brother or it may be a sister, but somebody had to be the first born. In my family, my brother Paul is the eldest and of all my siblings, he was the one I knew the least.  When I…
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Why Bother to Pluck the Day?

Why Bother to Pluck the Day? It is not unusual for me to window shop. I do it while jogging. Some days, my running route takes me by a gift store that keeps decorative plaques on display in their window. One of them reads, “Carpe Diem.”  Up until a day or so ago, I’d always…
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Why Bother With Common Courtesies?

  Why Bother With Common Courtesies?    Merriam Webster tells me that a common courtesy is, “politeness that people can usually be expected to show.”  I don’t believe the knack for practicing common courtesies is something we are born with. Yet every child knows when they’ve been treated impolitely. How many times have you heard,…
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