

Why Bother Finding a New Community?

Why Bother Finding a New Community? After practicing with a particular yoga community for four years, pesky circumstances left me without them. Without my familiar companions I fell into disappointment and tried to convince myself that I’d be fine alone. Yet, I knew I was wrong.        The Truth About Community The truth…
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Why Bother to Think About Time?

Why Bother to Think About Time? My personality has a persnickety side to it. I am finicky, especially when it comes to choosing how I fill my days. Although we’ve all been given the same amount of time, twenty-four hours for each day, none of us know when the balance of our time is gone. …
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forest road with snow

Why Bother to be Grateful for Change?

 Why Bother to be Grateful for Change? I don’t mind when I get to choose to shuffle things around in my life, but when deviations from the norm happen to me, then I tend to see them as an inconvenience, an annoyance and a nuisance.   Last summer, my hairstylist retired. I am not a high…
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Terese Luikens

Why Bother to Pay Tribute to Your Mother-in-Law?

 Why Bother to Pay Tribute to Your Mother-In-Law? Monday morning, February 1, 2021, my mother-in-law, Berniece, took her last breath here on Earth and her first breath in Heaven. She was ninety some years old and I knew her as my mom-in-law for forty of those years.  Remembering Her I grin remembering her smile, her…
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