

Why Bother to Eliminate Chaos and Clutter?

Why Bother To Eliminate Chaos and Clutter?  Chaos and clutter are similar. Where there is chaos there is clutter and where there is clutter there is chaos. Which one comes first is not important, rather, are our jumbled messes and the hurry-scurry energy they zap from us, beneficial?              …
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Why Bother To Fight a Good Fight?

Why Bother To Fight a Good Fight? Not every disagreement is worth a fight, but some issues are important enough to put forth the effort and wrestle against them. Though I’ve argued, just for the fun of it, with certain individuals over benign topics, these harmless debates never amounted to anything serious. But sometimes there…
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woman at the beach with a hat

Why Bother With Integrity?

Why Bother With Integrity? Living honestly, sincerely, and conscientiously with myself and others is a lifelong endeavor. Along the pathway of life we oftentimes adopt attitudes and actions that are contrary to our basic moral principles. When we do, then it takes time and effort to reflect on how to realign ourselves once again with…
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illustration of 2 kids on a balcony near the sea

Why Bother Letting Go?

Why Bother Letting Go? Although I know that I am not the blessed controller of all things, sometimes I have the tendency to forget. And when I do cease to remember, others who love me, kindly remind me.  My husband is usually the first to notice my amped-up attitude and gives me the “look” that…
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