Woman Sitting on Gray Rock Near Body of Water

Why Bother With Tranquility?

Unlike objects that can be touched or felt such as a cup of coffee, a book, or a comfortable chair, tranquility is intangible. Yet, we know when we are tranquil and when we are not.

        At Peace

Being tranquil begins with being okay with ourselves and being okay with who we are means there is absence of turmoil, conflict and strife. 

I used to be my own worst enemy. But I’ve made peace with myself. I no longer feel unaccepted, out of place or need to berate myself so I shape up.

When I came into agreement and harmony with my Maker, my arguing, resistance, and rebellion ended. When I came into agreement and harmony with my Maker, I surrendered my unrealistic standard of perfection. Coming into agreement with my Maker put an end to my hostility against myself. 

 When I was first told by my Maker that I was loved, I did not believe it.  Instead, I was doubtful. How could anyone love me in my state of imperfection? Fumbling and bumbling around in life is tough enough, but when Someone tells you that they love you in the very midst of your fumbling and bumbling is hard to accept as truth. 

My self loathing did not come to an abrupt end. Instead, it ended with consistent belief in the One who told me that they loved me. My malice has been replaced with the beliefs that I belong, I am loved and I am accepted.  

 The more I get to know my Creator, the less I fight against my Creator. Though there are still areas within me where the Designer meets up with my resistance, nagging doubt, and worry that threatens to wither me, it does not take me nearly as long to once again believe in the One who is completely trustworthy. 

Knowing I belong to the One who Created me, takes the fight out of me. I no longer have to prove anything. Realizing that my mistakes are not held against me, frees me from holding myself hostage to being perfect. Accepting that I owe no dues, delivers me from feeling indebted. 

Why bother with tranquility? Believing the truths that come from my Creator lead me to  tranquility and being tranquil is simply believing the truths that come from my Creator. 

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