two women walking together outdoor during daytime

Why Bother to Embolden Another?

To receive encouragement is a gift and like a gift, it is a surprise that comes in various shapes and sizes.  But one thing for certain is this, when our gift is received, it makes both the giver and the receiver a little bit happier.

The Emboldening Act

We cannot force anyone to embolden another. For some, it comes naturally, while for others they must first be emboldened several times before they finally wake up to the value of the gift of encouragement.  

Perhaps, those who find it difficult to say or do something that emboldens another have no history of being strengthened by another. Maybe, they are all too familiar with the feelings of discouragement, hopelessness and downheartedness to notice the gift of encouragement when someone gives it to them. 

On the other hand, those who do have a history of saying or doing something that emboldens another, most likely have discovered the benefits and the value of making another person’s life lighter, brighter and happier. They can’t seem to hold back offering a helpful word or a hand up. Emboldening just comes naturally for them.

Regardless if encouraging others is natural or not, the more we practice offering small acts of kindness that lighten someone’s load or words of encouragement that make them smile, the better encouragers we become. 

My favorite kind of encouragement to give or receive are written notes. When they come in the mail I am surprised and uplifted when I read the lines penned by a sibling or a friend who wants to validate how I’ve inspired them. Other times a co-worker will leave a note on my desk giving credence to a struggle I’ve recently shared with them and letting me know they too have grappled with the same thing. 

Holding a card or handwritten letter of encouragement from someone else emboldens me.  Reading or hearing words that give me hope, awakens me to hopefulness. It reminds me that I’ve done something important, something that has left a lasting impression on at least one other person. 

I’ve saved some of these notes of encouragement and like turning pages in a photo album, I reread words that give me the courage to keep going when the going gets a little dark and bumpy.  

Why bother to embolden another. There is no one in this world that could not use a little bit of emboldening. Besides, to embolden someone is a free gift with great returns.

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