a couple in the forest with flowers

Why Bother Noticing Your Close Encounters?

Encounters that we have with others, good or bad, have a way of changing the quality of our lives. Therefore, developing our discernment with regards to who and what we allow into our lives is important because whoever and whatever we let influence us, shapes our present as well our future. 

      Gaining Wisdom

I remember my first infatuation. His name was David and he was the first boy who took a liking to me. I was in the ninth grade and he was a high school dropout. We met at a party and just sitting next to him on the couch, in the dim light, with music blasting through over sized speakers, my body felt electrified. 

We agreed to meet up again, this time, in the daylight. His hair was long, but I did not notice its greasiness. He wore glasses, and I ignored his pimples. He wore tight fitting jeans and a long sleeved shirt and I disregarded how dirty they were. 

I accepted the ring he gave me and we became boyfriend and girlfriend until my mother found out. She was livid with anger when she happened to see David and I walking together down the street. She parked her car and ordered me to get in. 

“He’s homeless, nearly twice your age and most likely a drug addict,” she shouted out on the drive home. That was the end of David and me. Which at the time, I did not realize was a good thing. 

At fourteen, I’d had no discernment, only a longing. I was lonely and hungry for attention and affection. David, it seemed, filled my felt need. Mom, on the other hand, saw it differently. David was taking advantage of a young girl and her youthful stupidity.  

In time, I knew that if I’d followed after David, and disregarded my mother’s heeding, my life would have gone down an entirely different track. One that more than likely modeled David’s life of homelessness, hopelessness and addiction. 

I grew up and in growing up, I became less desperate for affection and attention and more attuned to my morals, values, and principles.  

Years later, my next infatuation resulted in a much better choice; a man that is respectful, loyal and committed to our marriage. 

Why bother noticing your close encounters? I am grateful that Mom rescued me from a close encounter with someone who did not have my best interest in mind. I am also grateful that my discernment grew in such a way that the choice I made for a mate has shaped my life into something good.

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