Why Bother Choosing Your Challenge?
Some of us are drawn to taking chances. We find them invigorating. Even when we do not know the full scope of the venture we’ve agreed to commit ourselves to, we still take the plunge, so to speak. In some ways, the unknown is what makes taking the chance so interesting and inviting. Though we do not know the full outcome of what might be in store for us, we voluntarily agree to the new venture that seems to be presenting itself to us.
Playing it Safe
Though I like a good challenge, I am still cautious. The venture has to fit, be somewhat within my realm of ability and align with my morals. I am not too wild. I don’t throw everything into the wind with an attitude of que sera sera or what will be will be. Common sense as well as my intellect stay intact when I agree to go forth into unknown territory.
Consequently, the challenges I’ve signed up for have stretched, grown and matured me into someone other than who I’d be if I’d not taken the challenge. Ventures, I’ve found, have a way of showing us that we really do have what it takes to do something we may have thought otherwise to be impossible.
Less than a year ago, I joined a public speaking club. I saw an ad for it in the newspaper, inquired by email and made the commitment to visit one of the meetings during my summer break from school.
The first meeting felt a little foreign to me. I’d never attended anything quite like it before. It was professional, not casual, and ran on a tight schedule with no lally gagging. But, the people were very amiable. When the opportunity arose to ad hoc a one minute speech, I walked up to the podium and spoke as though I knew what I was doing.
I was surprised by the applause as well as a ribbon given as the best impromptu speaker of the evening. After that, I was convinced and became a member.
As a member of the club, the meetings no longer feel foreign. Instead, I now get to welcome new visitors, applaud them when they are brave enough to give a one minute ad hoc speech and then watch them be surprised as they accept their ribbon.
In a few weeks, I will compete in a speech contest. Even if I don’t take home the ribbon, the challenge will invigorate, grow and stretch me beyond what I could have imagined for myself.
Why bother choosing your challenge? We just don’t know the talents and abilities we have until we step up and take the chance.
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