brown wooden pathway towards green tall trees

Why Bother Starting New?


I woke up in a zealous mood this morning for a variety of reasons. First of all, I had a good night’s sleep which is not always the case on New Year’s Eve. 

In the past, our neighbor’s tradition of lighting dozens and dozens of fireworks in the middle of the street at midnight normally disrupts my night of sleep. But, last night, for reasons unknown to me, he did not set off any fireworks. 

The result of a no fireworks night on New Year’s Eve in my neighborhood was that I got a quiet and restful night of sleep. Unusual. But I will be grateful for the unusual.  

Another reason I woke up with exuberance this morning is because of the new book that my husband and I have agreed to read. I’ve read it more than once, but this year, for his Christmas present, I bought him his own copy. 

He’s agreed, he’ll read it along with me. But more exciting than just reading the book, we’ve made it a point to discuss what we think about what we’ve read. 

The name of the book is, Switch on Your Brain Everyday by Dr. Caroline Leaf. She is a firm believer that the Bible, like the human mind, is dynamic, brilliant, powerful and influential. As a result, she starts each of her 365 readings with a Bible verse, a brainy tip, followed by some of her thoughts. Then, she encourages her readers to ask their own questions, discover the answers and discuss their thinking with others. 

I am eager to know how my husband thinks. Though we’ve been married for almost 45 years, he still surprises and inspires me. This wonder of his surprises and inspiration only validates what I’ve always believed; each of us have been uniquely created by a very creative God.  

Other reasons for waking up with enthusiasm for this new day; 365 fresh pages to fill in my journal, 156 blank pages to write for my blog, new calendars to hang up in the house, new authors and books to discover and read, as well as the endless, fresh possibilities that are presented to me by God every day.

Yes, I am eager for this new year to begin. I am eager to see how God expands my life beyond where I presently am with book sales, forgiveness workshops and submitting a second book to a publisher. Like the sky, there are no limits to what God can do in the lives of those who call him Abba, Father. 


Of course, the new year always affords us the opportunity to consider making a new resolution or setting an intention for the new year. Mine is rather simple; I don’t want to grow tired or weary of doing good. 

There are times, in my faith journey, when I wonder how and if my faith affects the lives of others. But, when I doubt, I am reminded that my focus is on the wrong person. 

God, not me, is in charge of the outcome of my faith. I’m just in charge of staying on the road of faith.  

When I remember that God has already won the battle between good and evil with his death and resurrection, then I am empowered to stay the course, no matter what others may say, what others may think or whatever else is going on in the world around me. 

Why Bother?

Why bother starting new? Every day is a new day with God. Every day we get to begin again. We can count on God to remain the same faithful, loving, creative and powerful God no matter what mood we wake up with.  

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