brown wooden statue on gray concrete floor

Why Bother Starting Fresh?

According to The American Heritage Dictionary, the word January originates from an ancient Roman god named Janus. In Roman mythology, Janus is depicted as a man with two faces looking in opposite directions; to what is behind and to what is ahead. He was the god of gates and doorways, of beginnings, and the rising and setting of suns.  

Therefore, it is a popular practice among many, to set new goals in January as opposed to any other month.  

  Every Day is a New Day

But, what if we were to consider starting fresh every day of the year? Why wait for January to roll around before beginning anew. With 365 days a year, we have 365 new opportunities to start fresh. 

New beginnings can begin on any day of the week no matter the month. Each day is a brand new chance to begin again. Every day we can choose to expand, grow and gain knowledge about ourselves, our world and others with whom our lives intersect. Not only that, but whatever lessons, epiphanies, or revelations we learn on any given day can be remembered and carried forth into the next day. Insights gleaned and accumulated from each of our days’ experiences are priceless and valuable.  They are gifts to ourselves and if shared, to others as well.  

We’ve all heard the popular adage “learn from your mistakes,” but learning to experience for ourselves the lessons from our mistakes makes this adage all the more relevant. Even though our whacko mishaps can leave us feeling stupid, if we consider that there is something to be gleaned from each one, then we will glean something from each one.  

I do not keep track of the number of mistakes I make on a given day, but I do know when I make one. 

I cringe whenever I say the wrong thing, talk too much or too loudly, or am silent when I should have said something. I know when I’ve lost my patience, refused good advice or think I have nothing to learn. 

Though there is no way I can go back and edit the mistakes I make in a day, there is a way to not repeat them. First, I do not have to pull the wool over my eyes and deny my flaws and secondly, I do not have to allow them to render me helpless. I only have to recall what did not work today and consider a different option for tomorrow. 

Why bother starting fresh. It is January, and the beginning of a new year. We may want to start fresh today, but if we don’t we can start fresh tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow. Starting fresh has no limits. 

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