Photo by Josh Hild

Why Bother Noticing What We Embody?

I think it has been said before that we are what we think. But, just this morning, I paused, pondered and considered these words and discovered something new. 

Regardless if we think that something is true or false, just thinking about it as being true, we act on it. Not until we disprove that thought as something false, will we no longer be acting out through our bodies as if it is true. 


There was a time in my life when I thought of myself as being fat. My proof was the extra weight I carried after delivering our first born son. As any mother knows, extra weight after a pregnancy is normal. But, the extra weight felt abnormal to me. To rid myself of that weight, I became anorexic and bulimic at the same time. Ick! How could I have done such a thing to my body?

I did so because I believed that I was fat even though I was not. Our minds are amazing and can convince us that something is true when it is not. 

My cycle of thinking; I am fat, I cannot eat, oh I ate, now I need to purge myself, went on for about two years until I finally believed a friend of mine who convinced me that I had no business thinking and doing what I was doing to myself. 

Only when I changed my thinking could I change behavior. I stopped purging myself after meals and changed my diet of lettuce and water to a more substantial diet.

Another example of embodying false thinking and how it produced incriminating actions toward myself have to do with my father. 

For the longest time, I carried much anger inside of me because I believed that my father’s suicide proved that he did not love me. I’d interpreted his action as personal rejection. But, who is to say that he didn’t love me right up until his last breath? 

To consider what we embody means taking a good look at our body. Do I walk upright not with arrogance, but with confidence because I am confident about who I am and what I am doing? Am I patient and emphatic with others when they make mistakes because I know I too am capable of making mistakes? Do I carry a sense of peace and joy within me because I know I have been loved? 

Why bother noticing what we embody? Others will notice what we embody simply by watching our bodies. The question is, we will? 

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