a couple with a kid

Why Bother Influencing Another?

Whether we are conscious of it or not, we are influencers. Our actions, attitudes and words affect, penetrate and sway the lives of others in small, large, good, or bad ways. Though we may not have any control in how someone may interpret our actions, someone is always watching. Consequently, we might want to consider, what sort of influencer am I?      


Rich and famous authors, song writers, and public speakers that I’ve never met have impacted and inspired my life. But the people who have left the greatest and longest lasting impressions are common, ordinary and regular people with whom I’ve connected personally and have had the opportunity to form a relationship.  

 Growing up in the Catholic religion as I did, my parents carefully chose godparents for each of their offspring. Unlike an aunt or uncle, grandpa or grandma, godparents were not related to the family. Rather they were respected close friends who shared a like-mindedness with the parents of the child. 

The godparents were invited, by the parents, to initiate a personal relationship with their godchild, beginning with the infant’s baptism and extending as long as possible afterward. They were also responsible for influencing, guiding and directing their godchild along the path of the parent’s faith, morals and values. 

My godparents were Ruthie and Harry. They were an ordinary couple who lived near enough to be frequent guests around our dinner table as well as honored guests at my birthday parties. Like the aunts, uncles and grandparents that surrounded me, my relationship with Ruth and Harry was casual, comfortable and ordinary. 

After my dad’s death, I remember sitting uncomfortably in their living room. Ruth and Harry didn’t quite know how to comfort me, but I knew that without them saying so, they understood the sorrow I held inside of me. When I turned into more of a rebellious teenager than what my mom knew what to do with, Harry sat me down for a private heart-to-heart talk. His gentle voice conveyed his love and concern and for a while afterward, I altered my rebelliousness. 

Harry died before Ruthie and when I was in town visiting my mom, I drove over to see Ruthie. She was still the same kind hearted woman I’d always know her to be. She told me the details of Harry’s death and I shared how much he’d meant to me especially after my dad had died. She smiled knowingly. That was my last visit with Ruthie who died a short time later.

Why bother influencing another? Whether we know it or not, we leave an impact with others we cross paths with. Although Ruthie and Harry were an ordinary and unassuming couple, they accepted my parent’s invitation to initiate a relationship with the sixth of their seven kids. They maintained that relationship as long as they could. They took their calling seriously and influenced at least one life for good: mine. Go ahead and make the commitment to influence the life of another, for the good of it.

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