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Why Bother Cultivating Relationships?

One of the wonders of being human is our capacity to grow intellectually, become more intuitive and sharpen our emotional intelligence. None of us need to remain stuck in a mental or emotional rut. Unlike animals, humans have the aptitude to expand, alter and develop our relationships which are vital to mental wellness. 


Growing emotionally does not occur in isolation, in the realm of social media, or in the form of a self-help manual. Instead, emotional growth can only take place when we are willing to take risks of relating to and engaging with another human being. When we are face to face with someone else, then we have the ability to connect heart to heart and connecting heart to heart can result in personal growth, impact change and deepen our level of personal happiness.

Every person I encounter has the potential for at least a casual relationship. Everyone I cross paths with on any given day is capable and even interested in small talk. It is easy to strike up a conversation about the weather with a clerk in the store, the front desk greeter at the health club or the waiter in the restaurant. Small talk gives everyone the ability to acknowledge, connect and interact with each other on a regular basis. 

Small talk may seem benign, but is a great way to practice forming casual and friendly relationships. Not everyone you meet will become your new best friend and confident. But you can extend a bit of friendliness to everyone you meet, enlarging your circle of casual acquaintances. 

Being in the presence of another can cause a variety of emotions to kick in. At work I am more comfortable with colleagues than I am with administrators. Administrators can set me on edge. Even so, when the opportunity arises for me to be vulnerable, honest and open to a manager or director, I’ve been known to take the risk. Though I am never guaranteed a positive result, I’ve never been reprimanded for my honesty. 

Those in charge are just as human as I am and have the same desire for casual, comfortable and amiable relationships. It may feel risky at first to take the chance when the chance arises, but you might also be surprised with the results. 

Why bother cultivating relationships? The best way to learn how to be vulnerable, open and honest with people is to simply be with them. As we let ourselves be who we are in the midst of all the different people we interact with on a day to day basis, the more we will learn just how important it is to relate on a personal level with everyone. 

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