woman at the beach with a hat

Why Bother Changing Our Minds?

Our brain is a splendid organ. Without it, we could not function. Our brain works in such an incredible way that we don’t have to think about certain functions such as breathing, blinking and making sure our heart keeps beating. 

Our brain is also the organ where the mind is located and where our thinking takes place. Though our brains function in such a way that keeps our hearts beating and our bodies breathing without conscious thinking, our minds do require us to be aware of what we are thinking. 

  Changing Our Mind

Though we may think a particular way for a very long time, I am grateful that we have the ability to change our minds and changing our minds, changes our lives. 

For example, I thought attending college and embarking on a career was out of my reach until the cook in the restaurant where I was a waitress told me otherwise. His words, “You should go to college,” altered my thinking and my life. 

Another example, there was a time when I had no desire to fall in love, marry or become a mom. Then I met my husband who changed my mind and my life. 

I never thought I would enter, let alone win a speech contest. But when I joined Toastmasters and found that I enjoyed standing in front of an audience and holding their attention with my words, I began honing my speaking skills with the help of a speech coach. As a result, I became a winning contestant in our district. 

Finally, there was the time when I became aware of how anger was giving my body an unhealthy life force all its own. Though it took time and much thinking, I eventually traced the source of my anger back to my father’s suicide. For years I’d harbored thoughts of resentment and unforgiveness which interfered with thoughts of peace and contentment. But, forgiving my dad for the hurt he caused me had changed my mind and my life. 

Why bother changing our mind? We have the ability to think about what we are thinking and whether or not our thinking serves us well. We have the power and the privilege to alter our thoughts and change our lives.

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