man on top o a mountain

Why Bother Being Thankful?

Although the Thanksgiving holiday is in the past, our ability to cultivate an attitude of gratitude is always present. We can extend our sense of gratitude, gratefulness, and thankfulness into each day of the year. Expressing, noticing, and feeling grateful is nothing we have to ration, rather it is something which can abound within us. 

A Matter of Remaining Mindful

Nourishing a sense of thankfulness is not an impossible feat. It simply requires remaining aware, alert and attentive. It’s been said in more ways than one and by more than one person, never take anyone or anything for granted. In other words, recognize the value of the life we’ve been given and be conscious of all that we have.  

At the top of my gratitude list is my physical wellness. Someone once asked me, “Do you practice yoga everyday? I told them, “I do something everyday.” They noted, “It shows.” 

I am healthy, but I do not take my health for granted. Instead, I add to my wellness each day, instead of subtracting from it. Being well, staying well and living well is a priority. 

I know that walking, yoga, swimming, or weight lifting is beneficial to my mental and physical well being. Over the years, I’ve adapted my daily routine to fit my schedule and my body. I make work, just for me. I don’t think of exercise as something I have to do, rather I think of it as something I want to do. Getting to do it makes me grateful. 

I am also grateful for the variety of people in my life. No two are the same. Their personalities range from quiet to boisterous, reflective to spontaneous, nostalgic to pragmatic, thoughtful to superficial. All these individuals add something good to my life. Even those who are not easy to be around add something good. They remind me to be kind, to everyone. 

Mom always said that it takes all kinds to make the world go round and she was right.   Those who are thoughtful have a way of showing me how to extend graciousness to others. Those who are superficial give me an opportunity to show simple respect and those who are nostalgic cause me to pause. No two people are alike, yet all of us benefit when we can extend a small dose of kindness to everyone. 

Finally, I have to mention the gratitude I have for my home. I can’t imagine living anywhere but here. There is plenty of sky to gaze up at, and soaring eagles to watch. There is no shortage of mountains to view and plenty of scenes of panoramic lakes. Truly, there is no place like home.

Why bother being thankful? Remembering to be grateful, every day of the year, turns us into people who are full of gratitude. And being in the presence of someone who is full of gratitude make us grateful too.

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