A heart's journey to forgiveness book by Terese Luikens

Why Bother Asking for Help?

Why Bother Asking for Help?

Almost two years ago, I made the commitment to blog every other day to all of you. The odd part about blogging is that my audience is invisible. I only know a few of you because of the comments you’ve left for me to read. So, although I may not know all of you personally, I am reaching out to you, my unseen audience, and asking for your help

    Help Please

My book, A Heart’s Journey to Forgiveness, for a limited amount of time, is listed on Amazon for only .99. It would be helpful if you would download it, and though I hope for you to read the entire book, if you could read just select 2 or 3 chapters and write a review on Amazon, it would help tremendously with getting my book in front of more readers, especially those who need it most. I understand if you can’t, or are too busy, but your reviews would be incredibly helpful. I am in need of a few reviews in the next week to be posted. 

Here’s the link to download the ebook- Link to my book. 


A few things to keep in mind when writing your review.

  1. A book review is not a summary of the book. It should be your thoughts about the book. How did the book help you specifically?
  2. Do not include any identifying details within your review. Such as, “I am so proud of my friend…” or “… is my aunt and this book shares her journey.”
  3. Be honest with your star assessment. We certainly hope you all think it has earned 5 stars! Studies actually show people searching for books feel reviews are more authentic when there are a variety of star assessments so give it the star rating you believe it has earned.
  4. If you purchased a hard copy of the book from Amazon, please wait to post your review after you have received it from Amazon. This will list your review as verified.

Why bother asking for help? Asking for help, especially from someone you may not know, exercises humility and exercising humility reminds us that we are not too big, we are just regular human beings, like everyone else. 

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A heart's journey to forgiveness book by Terese Luikens