Spirit Centered Workshop

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Speaking in public is not new to me. I have regular opportunities at my local Toastmasters chapter to share my story about my father’s suicide and it's far-reaching effects in one's life. Also, for several years, I was the coordinator and one of the main speakers at After God’s Heart, a women’s community Bible study.

In my family, suicide was one of those “unmentionable” topics. But ignoring it never made the pain go away. Silence only added to that pain. Speaking candidly about this topic paired with truths from God’s word, can give everyone a ray of hope.

“The practice of forgiveness is our most important contribution to the healing of the world.” Marianne Williamson

What were some of the high points of this retreat for you?

“The openness of the group”

“Becoming community with the other participants”

“Learning about myself more”

“Discovering there is a lot going on inside us regarding Forgiveness"

“Terese was a great Facilitator & Leader. Well organized, encouraged lots of participation, was flexible with the agenda, which also was excellent & lots of resources.”

Discussion Topics

five human hands on brown surface
Causes of Unforgiveness
selective focus photography of woman holding yellow petaled flowers
What true forgiveness is not
four person hands wrap around shoulders while looking at sunset
What is forgiveness?
mother and daughter talking
Benefits of Forgiveness and Helpful tools for the journey

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