This picture goes with my post Why bother taking hopeful actions.

Why Bother Protecting Our Brains?

Bubble Wrap was invented in the late 1950’s when a couple of chemists tried to design a textured wall paper. The idea for wall paper failed, but lucky for those chemists, they discovered and patented a different product called Bubble Wrap. 

  Wrapping Fragile Items

Whether you are packing up your household to relocate to a new home or wrapping a gift to send off in the mail, encasing those treasured and fragile items with Bubble Wrap ensures their protection from breakage. Though not every article we package requires Bubble Wrap protection, those delicate, dainty, and exquisite pieces need the security that the plastic air bubbles are designed to give. 

Though I am not relocating to a new house or packaging a gift to send off in the mail, I do need the daily protection of a spiritual bubble wrap, that is, the truths of God, encasing my brain. 

We each have a special propensity toward a particular way of being, our personality, a long held habit, or simply just the way we roll. Our tendencies, inclinations and susceptibilities are special and unique to us. Knowing our predilections is helpful because our dispositions, direct our thought patterns and our thought patterns drive our actions. 

For instance, I have an independent disposition. I like doing things on my own and most of the time life goes according to what I plan. Until, that is, I bump into circumstances beyond my control, incidents I could never have imagined as well as issues that appear unsolvable. Then,  suddenly, my confidence is consumed with worry and I take on the mentality of a victim. Ugh!

 Suddenly, I find that relying on my natural predisposition of independence, no longer works and that I need help, help that is beyond me.  

Ah yes, as a believer, I can, if I remember to, rely on the One who is the ultimate overseer, protector, and giver of good. But that is where the problem arises; remembering. 

If I can only call to mind the truths that are true no matter what; God is for me not against me, I have everything I need, I am blessed with every spiritual blessing, God never leaves or forsakes me. These truths are true when life is smooth and easy and when life is hard and bumpy. Remembering them is like having my brain wrapped in spiritual bubble wrap. 

Why bother protecting brains? As long as we are alive we will bump into circumstances beyond our control, incidents we could never imagine as well as issues that appear unsolvable. But wrapping our brains with plenty of spiritual truths ensures we won’t be destroyed. 

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