Forest Path in Autumn 

Why Bother Enjoying Beauty?

Living where I live, beauty is easy to enjoy because nature still dominates the landscape. It is September and the sky turns a deeper shade of blue, the leaves subtly change colors from green to yellow or red and the sun is still warm overhead. 

 The Benefits of Beauty

Recently, a friend from a nearby city came for a visit. She spent the night and we lingered on the back deck after dinner enjoying the sights and sounds of nature; the mountain peaks in the distance, the nearly full moon rising and the warm night air. 

The next morning we took a walk down a country road and spotted a magnificent bull moose, watched several deer as they bounded away from us, a flock of turkeys strutting down the middle of the road, and a heron landing lightly on lily pads near the shores of a still, calm lake. 

 We stood still relishing, appreciating and delighting in the sights surrounding us. My friend told me, “This is just what I needed, some peace and quiet and fresh air.” 

Not long ago I hosted a family BBQ. It is not always easy to gather everyone around the dinner table at the same time, but this time it worked and I was glad.

 I served steaks, baked potatoes, salad, homemade bread, and deviled eggs. For dessert there was the choice of Toll House pie or blueberry crisp with whipped cream or ice cream or some of everything. 

The weather was beautiful and warm enough to go outside after dinner. Some of the family, the competitive ones, played kickball, while the noncompetitive family members opted to  sit and talk.  

As the hostess, I made sure everyone had what they needed; a beverage, ice cream with their pie or a band aid for their stubbed toe. 

Looking out at my family while they played or talked, I paused and took in the beauty; everyone benefited from what had been provided; nice weather, good company and delicious food. 

Marvelous wonders are in plain sight, all we have to do is to take the time and take a look. 

Why bother enjoying beauty? God richly gives us all we need for our enjoyment. It may be beyond our control to produce beauty, but it is put in our laps to enjoy. 

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