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Why Bother Choosing Your Friends Wisely?

People have the power to affect our lives, either positively or negatively. Consequently, considering whom we call our friends and whom we choose to spend our time with, matters. 


I remember my circle of friends from high school. We all dressed alike; ragged style,  complained about the same things; our parents and teachers, and did the same things; skipped school and dare I say, got high. 

Of course my mother despised my “friends” and warned me against spending time with them. But of course, I did not listen to her. Instead I had to learn from the school of hard knocks as well as natural consequences. 

My “friends” did not reflect the values that were instilled in me by the adults in my life; honesty, hard work and respect for self and others. Consequently, after a few years, these sidekicks I once thought of as friends, fell by the wayside when I pursued a better way for my life. 

Growing up and growing older, I still have friends, but a much different group than the one from my adolescent days. 

My girlfriends and I have a history together. We’ve watched and supported one another  through events such as long and short term marriages, seasonal singleness, raising toddlers and waving goodbye to our teens when they leave home. 

Though we share similar values; respect, integrity and truthfulness, we don’t necessarily share the exact same religious or political opinions. But, they are my tried and true allies, the ones who have stuck it out with me, through thick and thin.

We don’t always have to agree with each other, nor even like each other all the time, but one of our connecting threads with each other is our respect for one another. We can listen with civility to each other’s ideas, hopes, fears and point of views without criticizing, cutting or condemning comments.

My friends make me a better person. They cause me to consider my actions and whether or not they are in line with my values? With them, I weigh my attitude; is it pleasant? Finally, being around them causes me to check my words; are they kind?  Friends influence each other for the better, not for the worse.  

Why bother choosing friends wisely? Whomever we choose to spend our time with influences our lives the most.


  1. Linda Minchow on August 17, 2024 at 9:55 pm

    Terese, my dear cousin, I admire your writings and the growth you have achieved. Although much younger than me, you have taught me so much from your blogs and book. You are a true gift from God and the talent he has blessed you with is abundant. Keep going strong! Love you cous.

    • Terese Luikens on August 18, 2024 at 8:34 am

      Hi Linda,
      Thank you so much for your words of encouragement. They help me to keep going.

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