Woman Sitting on Gray Rock Near Body of Water

Why Bother Being Content While Waiting?

I like the feeling of satisfaction rather than anxiety, peace rather than restlessness and gratitude instead of ingratitude. Yet, those anxious, restless and thankless thoughts and feelings come about without any effort, while satisfaction, peace and gratitude come only when I  consciously practice applying contentment. 

I’m Waiting

 I’ve waited for a lot of things over the course of my lifetime. 

As a young teen, I waited for my Dad to get well, and return from the hospital, but he never did. Instead, he ended his life. 

I waited for my relationship with my mother to turn into something better than it was, but that never happened. While laboring to give birth to a still born child, I waited for a miracle that never transpired. 

In the wake and the midst of all that sadness I longed for contentment, tranquility, and ease. Fortunately, I discovered God is my infinite source of rest, tranquility and peace, one that I tap into often because I still find myself waiting. 

Being perfectly happy right where we are, is possible when we trust that God is the One who makes all things possible. And waiting reinforces our faith in God. 

Though waiting is good and necessary, it is still my least favorite activity. But when I find myself anticipating something in the future, applying contentment in the present is the best thing I can do to ease the suspense that comes with waiting.  

Being at ease at the same time our circumstances are suspended is never an instantaneous response. Settling down amidst the uncomfortable facts, quieting the mind that wants to race ahead and believing in the One who will bring things about in the right time simply means I can be okay within the present. 

Today, I wrestle with waiting for a stressful, estranged relationship to be resolved, for profitable ways to market my book and new opportunities to facilitate retreats and workshops on the topic of forgiveness. While waiting, I can practice being at ease because I trust that God is presently doing what is beyond my scope of vision and understanding. I can practice fully trust the One who knows what is next for me. 

Why bother practicing contentment while waiting?  Contentment is best applied while we wait because contentment is what we need while waiting.

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A heart's journey to forgiveness book by Terese Luikens